Where did we get it wrong?

| March 10, 2009

Interviewer: I think many people have the impression that You old-fashioned. We see You by and large being worshiped in reverent and subdued tones, by people dressed and groomed conservatively.
God: Well, let’s not be too harsh on people by implying they are fuddy-duddy by the way they dress and act. If people worship Me honestly and truly, from their hearts, then I accept their worship gratefully, but I am not that quiet Myself. I love change, exuberance, excitement. I am not usually for subdued reverence. At times it is good to be still and contemplative, but I certainly don’t expect people to be that way all the time in their worship of Me, not even most of the time.
Interviewer: Where did we get it wrong then?
God: It seems like humanity has always liked to have an air of mystique around religious ceremonies, with holy symbols and rituals and hallowed places. There is also within man an innate feeling that religiosity and somberness go together.
Interviewer: And that is not the case?
God: While the spiritual world is mysterious to humanity, I don’t require symbols and rituals and somber tones. There is a time and place for seriousness, but overall I want people to be joyous rather than solemn. I would rather have people collapsing from exhaustion because of the exuberance of their worship than falling asleep because they are bored with it.
Interviewer: So we should raise the roof?
God: Why not? Man was created to be happy and for his communion with Me to be happy.
Interviewer: But You did say that there are times to be quiet and contemplative.
God: It is good to stop and get quiet in meditative prayer. Although I love the happiness of joyful singing and praise, it is when people get quiet that they can hear Me talking to them.
Interviewer: How do You do that?
God: Ever feel that inner voice trying to encourage you to do something helpful and beneficial for others? That is My voice, or the voice of My agents.
Interviewer: You have agents?
God: Yes, of course. You don’t think I limit all the fun to Myself, do you?


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