So if I am good, I get to go to the good place?

| March 27, 2009

Interviewer: To be talking to You in this way is still very awesome for me. You are so far out there and beyond understanding.
God: I have revealed a lot about Myself to humanity in My Word.
Interviewer: You are referring to the Bible?
God: Yes.
Interviewer: But many find it rather difficult to read.
God: They say that because they haven’t really tried. There is a lot in there that is very straightforward and understandable. Then there is much that is a bit more on the mysterious side. Believing the mysterious without fully understanding it is a matter of faith.
Interviewer: But why make it mysterious in the first place?
God: That serves a number of purposes. First, it allowed Me to place in My Word secrets that could later-sometimes millennia later-become understood. Their later fulfillment or disclosure proves divine authorship of the words in the first place. Second, when something becomes understood by a person, it inspires in them a greater interest in reading My Word more, to want to search for other secrets. Third, it is a test of faith. I like it when people believe what I say just because I said it and not because they necessarily understand it. To Me it shows that they love and trust Me even though they might not understand.
Interviewer: So is the Bible the sum total of Your Word?
God: Well, I think the answer to that would be obvious. If the words in the Bible were all I ever wanted to say, I wouldn’t be giving these interviews. These dialogues contain My Words, do they not?
Interviewer: Well, that is rather flattering, but I really wouldn’t put this interview on the same level as the Bible.
God: That’s modest of you! (God chuckles.) But you see, I have spoken and do indeed speak to men and women, boys and girls of all nations and religions. I am a living and moving God. I didn’t hang up My pen-or My megaphone, for that matter-when the Bible was completed. I still talk to people today, trying to show them what I would like them to do with and in their lives. True, these things are not on the level of the Bible, but they are still My Words.
Interviewer: You stated before that the idea of this life is to prepare us for the next life.
God: It is a preparation for the next life, but that is not the whole purpose for this life. You are also supposed to be a force for good in the present world. But the next world is the one that you will be in for eternity.
Interviewer: So if I am good, I get to go to the good place?
God: You mean Heaven?
Interviewer: Yes.
God: Ah, Heaven! The paradise of the afterlife! A place of infinite beauty that is forever getting better. But there is a prerequisite to get in the door. You first have to receive My Son, Jesus, into your heart.
Interviewer: This is an absolute prerequisite? I mean, I am talking to You here and so it seems I could bypass Jesus.
God: There is only one way to get into Heaven and be reconciled to Me, and that is through Jesus.
Interviewer: What do You mean by “reconciled”?
God: It is a long story, but the short version is that the original inhabitants of the earth did something that I asked them not to.
Interviewer: I assume You are referring to Adam and Eve.
God: Yes, dear Adam and Eve. By doing what they did, they introduced sin into the world. This sin is what separates mankind from Me. Jesus died so that that sin might be forgiven. Oh, I know to some that might sound a bit macabre, but there are certain rules in place in the spirit world that are inviolable. Rather than trying to understand it all right now, just believe that it had to be this way.
Because Jesus died and rose again, all that has to happen to be forgiven of all sin in your life is to believe in Him and ask Him to forgive you. When He forgives you, I forgive you. And then we are reconciled. Simple as that!
Interviewer: You said “all sin.”
God: Yes, all sin!
Interviewer: So that covers all past sin?
God: Not only all past sin, but also all present and future sins.
Interviewer: Isn’t that carte blanche to do whatever you want, even if it is sin?
God: No. Your sins are forgiven by Me, but that doesn’t mean you won’t suffer in some way for willful sin. People have to live with the consequences of their actions. Even if there is forgiveness, it does not mean there are not consequences; and even if I forgive you, others may not. If you commit crimes, you will certainly pay for them sooner or later in some way. If you hurt others, whether they forgive you or not is up to them. And if you knowingly do something wrong, it may result in permanent damage to you in some way.
Interviewer: But the sinner is still reconciled with You; I mean, if he believes in Jesus and has asked for forgiveness?
God: Yes. There is no way that can be withdrawn. It is also an inviolable law that once you are saved, you are forever saved.
Interviewer: You are introducing another word here, “saved.”
God: It is another term for what we were talking about. It is the same as “reconciled.” The Bible refers to it as salvation, which means being saved. You are saved from a life without Me and saved from Hell in the afterlife.
Interviewer: So Hell is a real place? It is not just a metaphor?
God: Hell is very real. It is the antithesis of Heaven. In every way that Heaven is beautiful, Hell is devoid of beauty. Imagine your worst nightmare and you have a taste of Hell.
Interviewer: But why Hell? If You are love, then how can You allow such a place to exist?
God: It serves a purpose similar to that which punishment and jail serve on earth. More than anything, it is a deterrent. No one really wants to be punished or go to jail, so the majority behave. You don’t have to go there unless you choose to by your actions. I am trying to get everyone into Heaven, and frankly, human nature being what it is, some people have to be scared into it by this unpleasant alternative.
Interviewer: But that doesn’t seem the best motive for being reconciled to You.
God: It works with some.
Interviewer: It still comes down to a choice, though.
God: Man has free choice. Everyone must choose for himself. Man wasn’t created as an automaton. Of course, I want people to choose My way and I give them every encouragement to.
Interviewer: But what about all those who haven’t heard how to be reconciled to You? It seems very unfair to send them to Hell simply because they haven’t had the chance to hear how to go to Heaven.
God: Who said I send them there if they haven’t had a chance to hear?
Interviewer: Well, that is logical, because there are billions of people in the world and not all of them-in fact, I would say hardly a majority of them-have heard about You, Jesus, or salvation.
God: Why are you limiting it to them hearing about all this in this world?
Interviewer: That seems the reasonable conclusion. Are You implying that these things can be presented to them in the afterlife?
God: Exactly, or as you suggested, it would scarcely be fair, would it? I know there are some who say that the only chance for receiving salvation is in this world, but I am afraid that they do Me a disservice in this.
Interviewer: So that means people could put off the decision till after they die?
God: No. If you have been presented with the information in this life and refuse it, then your decision has already been made.
Interviewer: But surely a lot of good and respectable people may well refuse?
God: Yes. It is their choice, as with everyone.
Interviewer: That would mean that some real nasty criminal type could end up in Heaven and a good, upstanding, law-abiding person could end up in Hell.
God: It could and does happen. Entry to Heaven does not depend on what you have done with your life, but it depends on your acceptance or refusal of Jesus. Everyone is on a level playing field when it comes to this choice.
Interviewer: I can’t help but feel that that is somewhat unfair. A good person ends up in Hell and the bad person ends up in Heaven scot-free.
God: I didn’t say scot-free. Just because a bad person ends up in Heaven does not mean that he or she will not have to make right what he or she has done wrong. What a person receives in Heaven in the way of rewards is meted out according to what good he or she has done in this life. One could well end up the equivalent of a pauper on his initial arrival and could also be required to make amends for what he had done on earth.
Likewise the “good” person who ends up in Hell, but then receives and believes in Jesus, will not stay there. However, if he stubbornly and adamantly refuses Jesus, he cannot enter Heaven. Receiving Jesus and believing in His sacrifice on humanity’s behalf is the only acceptable ticket for entry into Heaven.

The fallen angel

| March 25, 2009

Interviewer: May I ask about the Devil?
God: He is not a particularly favorite topic, but if you must.
Interviewer: So who or what is he?
God: He is a fallen angel, formerly one of the top who raised a rebellion amongst the angels against Me. He and those who have followed him have been fighting against all I wish to do ever since.
Interviewer: Surely You could eliminate him if You wished?
God: I could, and it is not that I don’t want to be rid of him, but he serves a useful purpose, so I allow him to continue.
Interviewer: What use is he? Seems he is at best a nuisance and at worst a menace.
God: He indeed is the antithesis of all I stand for. He is opposite, but in no way equal. He represents the alternative. Everything I stand for he is against, and everything I am against he promotes.
Interviewer: So he is the competition.
God: That is one way to look at it, but it is really no contest between him and Me. He wages war for the souls of men. He tries by any and all means to catch as many as he can in his web of deceit and hate. I, on the other hand, offer truth and love.
Interviewer: Sounds like he is definitely hard sell compared to You.
God: His methods contrast entirely with Mine. I want people to come to Me by their own choice, while he uses every means he can to try to keep people from doing that.
Interviewer: Why do You let him get away with that?
God: I allow him to in order to test humanity. The Devil’s way or My way-which will they choose as individuals and collectively?
Interviewer: You say “collectively.” So far You have talked about individuals. Where does the collective aspect come in?
God: I control the universe, but for now I have let the Devil have his way somewhat on earth. Remember the account in the Bible where the Devil showed Jesus all the nations of the world and said he would give them to Jesus-for they were the Devil’s to give-if Jesus would bow down and worship him?5 Well, the Devil was right, in that the driving force behind most nations of the world is him, and not Me. If it were Me, you would be seeing Heaven on earth, but instead you can see there is only increased suffering. The time will come when I will change all that and set up Heaven on earth. But for now, because of man’s selfishness, the Devil is having a heyday on earth, and it will get worse before it gets better.
Interviewer: This brings up a lot of other subjects, such as Heaven on earth and things getting worse before they get better, but I would like to finish off the Devil first.
God: Be My guest.
Interviewer: I beg Your pardon?
God: Finish off the Devil.
Interviewer: Oh, I see.
God: Well, you won’t be able to, but I will at the right time.
Interviewer: I was meaning finish off the subject of the Devil.
God: I know. I was just using the pun to make a point. I do have a sense of humor, you know. Some people think I am stiff and formal. A stuffed shirt. But they will certainly find out differently when they finally get to see Me.
Interviewer: Yes, I am sure they will.
God: So you want to know more about the Devil?
Interviewer: Yes. I think most people have the impression that he sits on some sort of throne in the middle of Hell, similar, I imagine, to how You must have some sort of throne in Heaven.
God: Well, he fancies himself a king, but he is not reigning in Hell. Even Hell is controlled and organized by Me, and one day soon Satan will find himself the chief inmate.
Interviewer: Satan being another name for the Devil?
God: Right!
Interviewer: This is a very different concept than that which we are used to. The Devil does not reign in Hell?
God: No, definitely not. He and his dwell in the nether regions of the spirit world.
Interviewer: And that is an entirely different place?
God: Yes. He and his minions also wander the earth, doing what they can to cause mischief, mayhem, destruction, and death.
Interviewer: So do You run Hell then, as a sort of spiritual penitentiary?
God: Some think of it that way. That is in reality only one function of a part of it. Hell has many different functions-and institutions-for want of a better word. The word Hell is used, somewhat erroneously, as a catchall for these different locations or spiritual states we’ve just been talking about. The concept of “Hell” most people are familiar with is that of a realm of fire, sulfurous fumes, hideous creatures, and endless torment. That’s just a small part of Hell, reserved for the very worst. The main purpose of Hell is to get the inmates repentant and on the road to rehabilitation. It goes along with My overall purpose of helping all My creation become reconciled with Me so they can have the very best of all I have to give them.
Interviewer: So is this concept of the fire and brimstone correct?
God: In part, but that is certainly not the full picture. However, let it be said that people really don’t want to go to Hell when the alternative of Heaven is so much more appealing. Let’s leave it at that, as those going there will most assuredly regret it when they realize how easy it was to choose the alternative.

What is Heaven like?

| March 23, 2009

Interviewer: What is Heaven like?
God: Heaven is a wonderful place, but when some people first arrive they aren’t ready to be ushered into the fullness of it, so there are places to get people up to speed.
Interviewer: Like a cross between a prep school and a halfway house?
God: In a way yes. They are not so much like places to keep these people quarantined but to help them not feel like fish out of water once they go in all the way.
Interviewer: So there are degrees of Heaven?
God: Heaven gets better and better all the time, so in that way there are degrees. Heaven is also vast with an infinite variety of places and functions.
Interviewer: You said earlier it was the “paradise of the afterlife. A place of infinite beauty that is forever getting better.” This makes it sound as though it is still a work in progress.
God: Most definitely. There are always improvements being made. It just keeps getting better and better.
Interviewer: Again, this is somewhat of a new concept to me. I think most people regard it as a rather static place. If Heaven is perfect, how can one improve on perfection?
God: “Perfect” hardly does it justice. But we are limited to human vocabulary and concepts in this interview, so this is the best which words can do to describe it. However, I do assure you that it is continually being made better.
Interviewer: I can tell that You are much more enthusiastic in talking about Heaven than You were about Hell.
God: I love to talk about the most marvelous place there ever was and ever can be.
Interviewer: You are the Designer and Creator of it, I assume?
God: Overall, yes. But lots of beings, both angels and spirits, participate in the process with Me. I enjoy watching them design and build parts of it. There really are an infinite variety of styles and tastes that are catered to.
Interviewer: Knowing that what I like differs from what others like-and quite frankly I think some people’s tastes are appalling-then it would seem that I might not find parts of Heaven personally appealing.
God: No, I assure you that you will find all of Heaven appealing. It will be at the least pleasant and at the most … well, there really isn’t any “most,” as just when you think you have seen the most wonderful thing, you turn the corner and there is something better. It is guaranteed that much of it will knock your proverbial socks off.
Interviewer: That is something to look forward to, providing one wears socks up there, of course.
God: That is why I had to qualify them as proverbial. Heaven is clothing optional.
Interviewer: My goodness! Do You mean to tell me I could be running around naked?
God: If you choose. Of course, you will have a new immortal body, which I think you will be quite pleased with, and there won’t be any shame or embarrassment about nudity. But before I leave too many of your readers feeling uncomfortable with this thought, let Me assure them that the operative word is “optional.” You can have the most beautiful clothes imaginable if you like. It is just that there is a definite change of mindset when you get to Heaven. The shame that some feel about the nakedness of the human body will be done away with. Remember that this is part of problem that Adam and Eve caused. They were naked in the Garden of Eden until they sinned. Then they were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to cover up. You should have seen how ridiculous they looked trying to cover up with leaves and other things. Well, that is another subject. They know better now.
Interviewer: So they’re there then? Adam and Eve, I mean.
God: Yes, of course. Where else would they be?
Interviewer: I thought maybe in the other place.
God: Oh goodness gracious, no! They were some of the first to get in! Everyone makes mistakes. Once they asked for forgiveness, they were forgiven. They are quite the celebrities up here, but they do get a little tired of hearing, “Oh, you were the ones who ...” or “What exactly was the fruit?” etc.
Interviewer: Well, what was the fruit?
God: I’ll let you ask them when you get here.
Interviewer: But You just said they get a little tired of being asked that.
God: They do, but it is still their story and I don’t like to steal their thunder.
Interviewer: I will look forward to asking them. And I think that may just wrap up our session today. Any final thoughts?
God: You won’t want to miss out on Heaven, so don’t! Okay?
Interviewer: Looking forward to it immensely.

Social and ethical issues

| March 21, 2009

Interviewer: I would like to focus on social and ethical issues today. The world has reached a few milestones in the last year. We have passed the year-2001 mark and are now in a new millennium. The world population is now in excess of 6 billion. It seems we are barreling into the future without much foresight as to what the outcome will be. Did You ever intend this planet to be so crowded?
God: It was not My intention that some parts of it would be so crowded, but as far as the overall numbers, I did, of course, realize that this would happen.
Interviewer: So You are not concerned with overpopulation, that we would become so numerous that earth’s resources would not be able to stretch to accommodate the demand?
God: I am concerned with the unfair distribution of the earth’s resources-that some hoard and consume well above what they should, and others are dying of hunger and thirst because of it.
Interviewer: But why design the world so that some areas have abundance and others suffer scarcity?
God: The world was not designed that way. Man has run the world for millennia, and the inequality of distribution is a result of what he has done, not Me.
Interviewer: The greatest need of all is water. In some areas it is abundant; in others it is almost absent altogether. It seems that at least for that, You have to take responsibility.
God: There are lots of reasons for the lack of water in some areas, and nearly all of them are the result of man’s poor stewardship. Even today man is destroying the rain forest and sowing the seeds for more disasters. The world’s ecology has been pretty hardy up till this time, but man’s continued, unabated assault on it is the reason for disaster.
Interviewer: Sounds like God is “green.”
God: In a way I suppose I am. But there is a limit. The most precious assets in the world are human lives. They must come first. Man should make the most of My creation, the world I made, in order to sustain humanity. The greedy exploitation that is so prevalent is indeed wrong, but to put the survival of animals and woodlands before that of mankind is also wrong. The truth lies in the middle. If earth’s resources are reasonably utilized to the equitable benefit of all, so that both mankind and the environment are sustained, then that is right.
Interviewer: My goodness! You are not only green, but You sound like a socialist with all this equal benefit talk.
God: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, is My own slogan.
Interviewer: Whoa! You’re quoting Marx!
God: Marx was stealing ideas from Me-from the Bible.
Interviewer: The Bible promotes socialism?
God: The Bible promotes love of Me and mankind. The ideal istic society set up by Jesus’ disciples-after His ascension-was a society where His followers contributed their goods to common use, and then those who had needs had these supplied by those who had excess.
Interviewer: Obviously this way of life didn’t last long .
God: Many religious communities still practice this lifestyle today and it works as well for them as it did for those early disciples.
Interviewer: However, communism is a failed system.
God: I am not talking about the godless communist political system. That was doomed to failure because it left Me out of the picture. It was based on enforced sharing where the powerful, pretending to be the protectors of the common man, enriched and empowered themselves at the common man’s expense. No, I hold no truck with communism. What I am talking about is a society based on love and consideration of others. If everyone were concerned about making sure the needs of others were met, then in turn his or her needs would also be met.
Interviewer: Sounds like a utopian pipe dream. People just don’t live and function like that. Maybe there are some saints that could, but for most of us, any sort of consideration for others doesn’t go much further than our own immediate families-and sometimes not even that far, sad to say.
God: It is only possible to have this kind of love if you have My love as the motivator.
Interviewer: But there are millions of people who claim to have Your love motivating them, and it doesn’t seem to make much difference in their lifestyles. True, they may act a little more religious, but it seems their religion doesn’t reach down to their wallets.
God: If your religion doesn’t reach down into your heart and cause you to be compassionately motivated to help others, then it is not much of a religion.
Interviewer: Communism’s currently victorious competitor is capitalism. What are Your thoughts on capitalism?
God: Capitalism certainly seems more attractive than communism because most see it as an opportunity to get rich. It holds that “carrot” in front of people’s noses, and so they labor their whole lives within a system that exploits the many for the benefit of a few. Because there is the possibility that one day they might strike gold, people continue on this treadmill. No, the political-economic systems of the world are not ordained by Me.
Interviewer: What system is ordained by You?
God: The Garden of Eden was the ideal. With few exceptions, everything from then on was a poor substitute.
Interviewer: So Your original plan was for us humans to be in an idyllic world where all was love and beauty. Wouldn’t we all grow rather lazy in that type of environment?
God: I can hear most of your readers saying, “Speak for yourself.” It was idyllic, but Adam and Eve were far from lazy.
Interviewer: You are saying that they were busy doing something?
God: Goodness gracious, yes! They had the whole of the Garden to tend to.
Interviewer: Oh? I thought they would have just lain around in that paradise, sipping the Eden equivalent of piña coladas and soaking up the sunshine.
God: No, no! They were busy looking after the whole place and raising a family. Anyone who has raised kids knows that’s quite a task.
Interviewer: What? Cain, Abel, et al., were born in the Garden of Eden?
God: Cain and Abel, yes, but not all the “et al.”
Interviewer: Funny! One sort of has the impression that the kids came afterwards, when Adam was out there toiling and sweating away in the field to produce his food. Like having kids was part of the Curse for eating the forbidden fruit.
God: The Curse? You think having kids is a curse?
Interviewer: Well, no, but…
God: Oh, you think that sex was part of the Curse?
Interviewer: Well, that is the impression one has-that sex and sinlessness are not really that compatible.
God: Oh dear, you are mixed up. No, sex was around from the beginning. Adam and Eve had plenty of it and had children long before they had to leave the Garden of Eden.
Interviewer: So sex is okay with You?
God: Do you think that an act of love which can result in the birth of a whole new being would not be okay with Me?
Interviewer: Some might have that impression.
God: Well, let’s lay that impression to rest right now. Sex is the ultimate in expressing physically the love that a man and a woman have for each other. I made it fun, pleasurable, and just about downright irresistible. I love for people to express their love for each other by making love. Why else would it be called “making love”? No, there is nothing unhealthy or wrong about it, and neither is it the result of sin or the Curse.
Interviewer: Nevertheless, it is exclusively for marriage.
God: Who said exclusively for marriage?
Interviewer: I assumed that is what You want.
God: It does not have to be exclusively for marriage. If two people are of age and want to have sex, it has to be decided along the lines of whether it is good for them and does not harm others.
Interviewer: Those are the only rules?
God: There are a lot of things to consider before having sex, so it is not something to rush into without much forethought. But this is a huge subject that we could perhaps cover more in a later interview.

The miracle of life

| March 19, 2009

Interviewer: The questions of birth control and abortion are ones I would like to cover. … I notice a sadness in the atmosphere.
God: Abortion is one thing that saddens Me beyond measure.
Interviewer: Some regard abortion as more humane in the long run, in order to keep the child from feeling unwanted all his or her life. Many of the mothers are single and can’t afford to raise a child.
God: There are alternatives. Once a baby is conceived, it is ideal that that baby be born and raised by a caring mother and father. If the birth mother and father cannot or will not do this, then it would be better for the baby to be adopted by those who can. Sometimes the grandparents or other relatives can help raise the child. Another alternative is coop living with other single parents. Sharing the load helps to lighten it for everyone.
I would like to add at this point that I do have great sympathy and understanding for the mothers who get pregnant and feel they have to have an abortion. It is testimony of how hard and cruel the world has become that a child, the greatest gift that I can bestow upon a woman, is now regarded as an unbearable liability in order to achieve a desirable life. That “civilization” is reduced to this level, that killing babies is a preferable and even desirable alternative, is proof as to how barbaric society really is.
Interviewer: So you agree with those who protest against abortion clinics…
God: Taking the life of an unborn child is wrong, but having said that, I also feel that much of what those who protest against abortion do is wrong as well. Instead of spending their energy protesting against abortion, they would do more good if they would work toward helping women who feel that abortion is their only choice. They should work to make adoption easier. They should consider adopting an unwanted child themselves. They should work to find employment for women who can’t afford to have the child. There is a lot of positive work they could do to help alleviate the “need” for some women to have an abortion.
Interviewer: Then again on the other end of the scale are those who desperately want babies but can’t have them. There are many methods to improve fertility, and many opt to try this. Do You have thoughts on this?
God: To want to be a parent is a noble ambition, and I salute those who try all that they can to have children. I would, however, say that with so many children who need to be adopted, it would generally be better to consider adoption rather than putting so much time and effort, often fruitlessly, into trying to artificially conceive and then trying to carry the baby to full term.
Interviewer: Many would if the adoption procedures were not so rigorous.
God: That is true. It is sad that the world considers it so important to so rigorously screen those who want to adopt that often during the screening process the child has to stay in foster care facilities that are far from ideal. That is the ludicrous nature of today’s society-in an effort to protect the child, they actually condemn the child to a substandard upbringing. But this is the way of the world. Sometimes when men and women try to do good and to legislate righteousness, the actual outcome is worse.
Interviewer: Why is this? It seems these types of laws are set in place by well-meaning people who have in mind the best interests of those affected.
God: These problems arise because without Me, man cannot really achieve the best results. If I am left out of the picture, the result is a disappointment at best and a disaster at worst. And usually it is the average working man and woman who gets the raw end of the deal. If laws and efforts of this nature-planning society and communities and families-are to succeed, I must be involved. In the world to come, there will not be these types of problems because the governing principle will be love and not law. Whatever is the best outcome for all concerned will be the criterion, not that the letter of the law needs to be followed to the minutest detail. It is all part of My demonstration to the world that My way is infinitely better.
Interviewer: Some may feel that sounds a bit arrogant.
God: Some may, and that is because I have probably challenged some premise that they hold dear. In saying this, I do not wish to offend anyone. I am simply stating a fact: that the ways of man and the ways of this world are in the end woefully inadequate in providing the maximum quality of life that people could have. It is showing people that their dreams cannot be fully satisfied in this life. It will also give them a much greater appreciation of the perfection in the world to come.
Interviewer: Back to abortions for one minute, if I may. What then happens to the spirits of these children who die before birth?
God: They come back to Heaven.
Interviewer: Some might say that is much better than being stuck here and unwanted.
God: The spirit of man in this era is intended to live a life on earth. When that does not happen, the purpose for the lives of these little ones is not completed.
Interviewer: So do they get another chance?
God: Many do, yes.
Interviewer: But not all?
God: For some, there is not the opportunity.
Interviewer: So they remain incomplete?
God: The incompleteness in their lives is compensated for.
Interviewer: Compensated for? You mean in Heaven?
God: Yes. These children are precious to Me, and when they have been rejected by their earthly mothers and fathers, and are not able to live out their tenure on earth, I personally receive them when they arrive. I take them in My arms, I cherish them, I bless them. And then I find a special place for each of them, so that he or she never feels unwanted again.
Interviewer: So the basic outcome is okay then. All’s well that ends well.
God: I would not let one of these innocents suffer because of the deeds of others. But the original plan mapped out for that particular child is not fully fulfilled.
Interviewer: Does that make a difference? Is the original plan the preferred plan and anything else second best?
God: My original plan is always best. Look at the Garden of Eden again. That was My original plan. Would you prefer to be living there or where you are now?
Interviewer: Good point. But some would say we are wiser for our mistakes.
God: Wiser, yes, but not necessarily better off. Adam and Eve certainly were wiser for having sinned, but one would hardly regard them as being better off.
Interviewer: I imagine that since You regard abortion as wrong, that You don’t find euthanasia or mercy killing agreeable either?
God: Human life is a precious commodity. Who is man to say when killing is the merciful thing to do?
Interviewer: It would seem that if a person’s on life support and it is only the life-support system that is keeping him or her alive, then there is not much for that person to live for.
God: With someone in that condition it is another story. But I am not saying that in the case of someone on life support, it is always good to “pull the plug.” Sometimes people have been revived from comas and other times there have been miraculous healings. All that should be taken into account. But if someone is alive and is able to stay alive without life support, then his or her life should not be ended prematurely. If someone would naturally die and is just being kept alive artificially in a comatose state, then why prevent that one from crossing over into the better world to come? But if life is self-sustainable, then that person should live.

Capital punishment

| March 17, 2009

Interviewer: Let’s tackle another life-and-death issue: capital punishment. Should someone be executed for a heinous crime?
God: As I said before, life is a precious thing, but if someone uses that life to perpetrate great evil, then he forfeits the right to that life. Man was created to live a good life, and if he instead lives an evil one, then he must be willing to accept the consequences. I am for mercy, and mercy is greater than justice. But in the world people are subject to the laws of the land. If people commit, as you put it, heinous crimes, they forsake mercy. Then they must be ready to accept justice, and that justice is that they sometimes have to pay for their actions with their lives. Having therefore stated the general principle, I must also state that the circumstances in each case must be taken into account. Capital punishment is extremely severe, but there are times when it is the only just penalty.
Interviewer: Can You state what type of crimes those would be?
God: Earth’s civilizations, regardless of culture or geographical location, have generally agreed as to what these are. They have generally been those that have caused death or were intended to, or caused extreme pain and suffering to their victims. It is very difficult for Me to speak in more than the most general terms on this issue because again, as I have said, circumstances vary so much from case to case that a blanket statement is impossible.
Interviewer: But You believe that there are times when it is necessary.
God: At times it is the only just sentence.
Interviewer: How would Your seeming ban on capital punishment in the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” fit into all this?
God: That commandment was to individuals, not to the duly-recognized bodies appointed to mete out sentences for crimes committed.
Interviewer: But You say so much in the Bible about forgiveness, that we should forgive those who have sinned against us. You even said that You forgive everyone who asks for it. Are these crimes too monstrous for You and us to forgive?
God: I forgive all those who ask Me. And you as an individual-for your own sake if nothing else-should forgive others who ask for forgiveness. But each one must still face the consequences of his actions.
Interviewer: This seems contradictory.
God: As an individual you have the power to forgive someone who has done you a wrong, even a great wrong. That someone may still have to answer to the state for his actions. That is largely out of your control.
Interviewer: So if someone killed someone who was very dear to me, You are saying that I should forgive the killer? That sounds like an extremely hard thing for me to do.
God: I am not saying it wouldn’t be extremely hard, but if you let bitterness fester in your heart because you don’t forgive him, you will suffer for that. Bitterness will make your life miserable. Revenge and justice-seeking will not heal the wounds. The only way bitterness can be cured is by you making a conscious action to forgive. Bitterness has destroyed many a life-mostly the lives of those who harbor it and the lives of their loved ones.

Is suicide forgivable?

| March 15, 2009

Interviewer: What about suicide? Is it forgivable?
God: You mean by Me?
Interviewer: Yes.
God: Everything is forgivable. Suicide is, however, extremely sad. Don’t you think it is sad that people are in such despair that they find no solution other than to end their lives? In every life there is such hope and promise. Suicide is often as much a testimony against society and those around the person as it is against the person himself.
Interviewer: We talked about euthanasia. Assisted suicide is very close to that, the difference being that the person administers the toxin themselves. The people we generally hear about who have done this are very debilitated with an illness that has reduced their lives to what they feel are unbearable levels. In that instance it would seem that there is no hope.
God: So where would you draw the line between no hope and hope?
Interviewer: I don’t know. That is why I am asking You.
God: Then the safest thing to do is leave it to Me and I will bring people into the next world when I know their time has come.
Interviewer: So there are never justifiable reasons for someone committing suicide?
God: That is an extremely broad question that defies an answer. If someone heroically gave his or her life trying to save someone else, that could be regarded in the broadest terms as suicide. Yet I think everyone would laud the person who was so selfless.
Interviewer: Some even contend that Jesus more or less committed suicide by going to Jerusalem when He did. I believe He even told His disciples that He was going there to die, so that it was premeditated. What do You say to this?
God: Jesus gave His life selflessly so that all who would come to believe on Him could have eternal life. It is a very self-righteous person who would claim that Jesus was committing suicide.
Interviewer: Agreed! But I had to bring it up because it is one of those questions that comes up when talking about this subject. Any final words on suicide?
God: Those who take their own lives and thus end them prematurely miss out on some of the things that they were supposed to encounter and learn on earth. So when they arrive up here, they have some catching up to do. Their entry into the afterlife is not as happy as it could have been. In fact, for some it is rather ignominious and they are so wracked by guilt that they have some serious rehabilitation to go through.
Yet, I do not condemn those who commit suicide, but their dying at that time was needless. Some can be so depressed that they are not in their right mind. But while there is life, there is hope.
Interviewer: So You are saying hold on, hope is around the corner?
God: Yes, as has been borne out many times in the stories of those who were at the end of their rope, all hope seeming to be gone, and they then found something that gave them the will to live. If you are going to throw your life away, why not “throw it away” by immersing yourself in a good cause?
Interviewer: Young people seem especially prone to suicidal thoughts.
God: Yes, but their whole lives are before them. There is so much to live for. Adolescence is a turbulent time.

Got any magic cure?

| March 13, 2009

Interviewer: If I may, on a new subject, that of addiction. No one really wants to be addicted to a vice such as drugs, or other things that are perceived as vices. Got any magic cure?
God: Addictions have a more powerful hold on some people than others. There are usually a lot of factors involved also. The first step in a recovery is to pray, to ask Me for help. Prayer is always effective. Prayer mobilizes supernatural resources that are able to overcome natural obstacles. So if someone wants to overcome an addiction or even just a bad habit, the first thing that is within his or her power to do immediately is to pray…
Interviewer: Some might say that they have prayed and it was all to no avail.
God: You didn’t let Me finish. I said prayer was the first step, but not the only one. Prayer is important because it acknowledges the need for strength greater than what one possesses and help beyond what one can do for himself. Next, there must be a belief that I will do something in response to that prayer. To get the answer, one has to believe that there will be one forthcoming.
Interviewer: That’s sounds like positive thinking.
God: It does! But it goes much further than positive thinking. Positive thinking can get you in a positive frame of mind, which in turn can give you more power to accomplish things that were difficult. But belief in My help can help you achieve things that not only border on the impossible but actually are impossible. Praying and believing will then give you power to overcome the addiction or the habit.
Interviewer: How does this happen?
God: I will answer prayers that are prayed in faith-belief in My ability to answer prayer-and I will give the person praying more power than he or she would normally have. This in turn will give one the will to overcome. The human will is a powerful force, and when augmented by spiritual power it is well nigh unstoppable. Once the will is on the right side, then progress is possible.
Interviewer: Is that it? Presto, and change?
God: It is the most important first step, but not the only one. Then it is important to replace the harmful vice with a desire for something beneficial, and to continue to maintain a strong desire to change. Nothing can be more beneficial for someone than a strong faith in Me, which can continually be augmented by regular reading of My Word.
Interviewer: You make it sound easy. Some people have tried everything and still have a really rough go.
God: The plan is easy, but for some it is a struggle. I will not gloss over the difficulties that some face. What I have stated here is the pith and core of the remedy, but implementing it and striving to carry it through are not necessarily going to be easy for everyone. But the rewards of doing it and succeeding will be a life turned around from misery to one filled with joy and zest.
Interviewer: People will still need encouragement from others.
God: Oh, yes. The moral support and especially the prayers of others are vital elements to an addict’s recovery.
Interviewer: You have given us a lot to ponder in this session. Thank You again for these times together.
God: Thank you. I look forward to our next session.

Where is Heaven?

| March 11, 2009

Interviewer: You find talking to humans fun?
God: I love to communicate with people, but I will admit “fun” isn’t the word to describe every aspect of it. It can often be hard work.
Interviewer: So who are these “agents” You referred to?
God: There are two general classes of agents that help Me in My work: angels and spirits. Angels are supernatural beings of many sorts with various functions. Spirits are former or future spirits of humans who have or will spend time on earth in a human body. Although they lack some of the power of angels, they have a greater understanding of mankind.
Interviewer: Fascinating!
God: Glad you think so.
Interviewer: I assume these all live in Heaven. Where exactly is that?
God: They all dwell in the spiritual dimension where Heaven is located right now.
Interviewer: You say right now as though that is going to change.
God: It will, somewhat.
Interviewer: And how is that?
God: Eventually Heaven will come to earth.
Interviewer: This is extremely intriguing. What exactly do You mean by “come to earth”?
God: In the course of time, I will transform the earth’s surface into a paradise that will surpass even the original Garden of Eden in beauty. Then upon that paradise will descend a city of enormous dimensions. Those who live there will not be confined to living within it, but will be able to travel throughout all the physical and spiritual realms. The beauty of this city will be unsurpassed.
Interviewer: When will this happen?
God: Over a thousand years from now.
Interviewer: Good Lord, that is a terribly long time to wait!
God: Nice of you to call Me good!
Interviewer: Yes, well, of course that is just an expression. First time I have used that when I actually was talking to the good Lord. But I must say that is a long time to wait.
God: You don’t have to wait to live there, but it will be over a thousand years before it comes to earth.
Interviewer: So this … this city, is going to be Heaven?
God: It is part of Heaven-the central core, so to speak. But it is by no means the be all and end all of Heaven.
Interviewer: It seems You are not telling the full story.
God: It would be impossible to tell the full story here, but I will tell you more about it in a later interview.
Interviewer: A later interview?
God: Yes. We’ve just made a start here. There is still much to cover. You didn’t think you could confine an interview with God to just one sitting, did you?
Interviewer: Why I … I mean, I never really considered that You would consent to this first interview, let alone come back for another. I am very pleasantly surprised.
God: Life is full of surprises, and I am glad this one was enjoyable.
Interviewer: Then on behalf of my readers, if I ever have any, let me say thank You.
God: You are more than welcome. And I look forward to covering all sorts of issues with you.
Interviewer: It has been a pleasure.

Where did we get it wrong?

| March 10, 2009

Interviewer: I think many people have the impression that You old-fashioned. We see You by and large being worshiped in reverent and subdued tones, by people dressed and groomed conservatively.
God: Well, let’s not be too harsh on people by implying they are fuddy-duddy by the way they dress and act. If people worship Me honestly and truly, from their hearts, then I accept their worship gratefully, but I am not that quiet Myself. I love change, exuberance, excitement. I am not usually for subdued reverence. At times it is good to be still and contemplative, but I certainly don’t expect people to be that way all the time in their worship of Me, not even most of the time.
Interviewer: Where did we get it wrong then?
God: It seems like humanity has always liked to have an air of mystique around religious ceremonies, with holy symbols and rituals and hallowed places. There is also within man an innate feeling that religiosity and somberness go together.
Interviewer: And that is not the case?
God: While the spiritual world is mysterious to humanity, I don’t require symbols and rituals and somber tones. There is a time and place for seriousness, but overall I want people to be joyous rather than solemn. I would rather have people collapsing from exhaustion because of the exuberance of their worship than falling asleep because they are bored with it.
Interviewer: So we should raise the roof?
God: Why not? Man was created to be happy and for his communion with Me to be happy.
Interviewer: But You did say that there are times to be quiet and contemplative.
God: It is good to stop and get quiet in meditative prayer. Although I love the happiness of joyful singing and praise, it is when people get quiet that they can hear Me talking to them.
Interviewer: How do You do that?
God: Ever feel that inner voice trying to encourage you to do something helpful and beneficial for others? That is My voice, or the voice of My agents.
Interviewer: You have agents?
God: Yes, of course. You don’t think I limit all the fun to Myself, do you?

God's Two Commandments

| March 9, 2009

Interviewer: So You like change.
God: Being static and predictable is boring, don’t you think?
Interviewer: Well, a bit of predictability is nice. Like the sun coming up in the morning and things like that.
God: You can be sure of that at least. But I don’t like things being the same day after day. I prefer to inject variety. I like every sunset to be different from the one the day before. I like every person to be different from the next. The earth is filled with variety and change.
Interviewer: You also talked about being traditional in some respects?
God: A lot has been made of values lately, and, yes, I believe in maintaining values that are good. However, I think people tend to look through rose-colored glasses at the good ol’ days. Some things weren’t so good then, either.
Interviewer: So what are we to base our standards on?
God: On Me and My Spirit, which is love. Base your actions on whether they are loving or not, and with that rule of thumb you can’t go far wrong.
Interviewer: We shouldn’t base our standard on things like the Ten Commandments?
God: Would two be easier than ten?
Interviewer: Two?
God: Yes, to love Me and to love others. If you follow those two, then you won’t go wrong.
Interviewer: Those are pretty broad.
God: True, but if you stick within their parameters, you will be doing well.
Interviewer: This is something I would like to explore a bit later, if I may. But getting back to Your nature and views, would You put Yourself in the liberal camp at all?
God: I wouldn’t put Myself in any camp. You can’t put Me in a box and neatly package Me up and say, “Here is God!” I am not in a fishbowl here, with man peering in. But let Me say that I like freedom and I like for humanity to not be bound up in restrictive traditions.

Is God conservative?

| March 8, 2009

Interviewer: All right. I asked about what You look like. Perhaps I can ask what You like?
God: If you want to know what I like, just check and see what I made.
Interviewer: One must conclude that You like a lot of different things if we look at the variety of creation. But not all of it is beautiful.
God: In its original state, it is.
Interviewer: That would be wilderness?
God: No, I didn’t originally create it wilderness, but if it is not tended, it turns into wilderness.
Interviewer: So You intended humanity to tend the earth?
God: Yes. Looking after the earth was one of the original tasks for humanity.
Interviewer: You say “one of.” Are there others?
God: Living in harmony with his fellows and helping each other are also the duties of man.
Interviewer: I assume, from what I have heard, that interacting with You is another?
God: Yes, most definitely.
Interviewer: You said You gave us the job of tending the earth. Did You then intend for man to leave it pretty much as is? Or was it in Your plan for us to improve things?
God: Oh yes! Of course I wanted humanity to improve on what I gave, to make advancements, to learn and to progress.
Interviewer: But aren’t You conservative by nature?
God: Explain what you mean by conservative.
Interviewer: One has the opinion that those who are religious tend to be conservative in their views, liking things the way they are and preferring not to change. If You are the main influence in their lives, it would seem by association that You must also be conservative.
God: If by that you mean someone who is resistant to change, then I would have to say that I am anything but conservative. But if you mean someone who holds traditional views, then depending on what the tradition is, I could be regarded as conservative.
Interviewer: So You are and You aren’t.
God: I am not someone or something that you can neatly define. I am God and so I do not fit into any of your pigeonholes.

Is He there for real?

| March 7, 2009

Interviewer: How can we establish the fact that You are real?
God: The testament to a creator is his creation. Look at what I made. That is the main way you can establish that I am real.
Interviewer: But couldn’t the world have created itself?
God: Does that make sense to you?
Interviewer: Well, no. But a lot of intelligent people seem to think it does.
God: Look around you at all the things in your room. Everything that is manufactured has a maker, doesn’t it?
Interviewer: Yes, but there are some things that weren’t manufactured-like the plant in the corner.
God: But it came from a parent plant, right? It had a maker, so to speak.
Interviewer: Yes, but maybe the ancestor just popped out of the primordial soup at some distant point in time and…
God: Why don’t you just relax and have faith?
Interviewer: Is it back to that?

What does God look like?


Interviewer: You said you are a spirit. Does that mean You don’t have human-like features such as a head, legs, arms, etc.?
God: I created man in My likeness, but the part of man that is particularly My likeness is the spirit that dwells within his body. I can and do manifest Myself in the bodily likeness of a man, but I am not limited to that.
Interviewer: So when we see works of art where You are depicted similar to how Jupiter or Zeus of the old Grecian or Roman mythology were depicted, then this is somewhat right?
God: I have never posed for an earthly portrait, but some have seen Me on occasion in a human manifestation. So that sort of representation comes pretty close to how you could imagine Me. But in reality, I would like it if people could get past the human concept and come to understand Me more spiritually.
Interviewer: How would one do that?
God: By seeking to understand My Words to mankind rather than engaging in debate over My appearance and nature.