Is He there for real?

| March 7, 2009

Interviewer: How can we establish the fact that You are real?
God: The testament to a creator is his creation. Look at what I made. That is the main way you can establish that I am real.
Interviewer: But couldn’t the world have created itself?
God: Does that make sense to you?
Interviewer: Well, no. But a lot of intelligent people seem to think it does.
God: Look around you at all the things in your room. Everything that is manufactured has a maker, doesn’t it?
Interviewer: Yes, but there are some things that weren’t manufactured-like the plant in the corner.
God: But it came from a parent plant, right? It had a maker, so to speak.
Interviewer: Yes, but maybe the ancestor just popped out of the primordial soup at some distant point in time and…
God: Why don’t you just relax and have faith?
Interviewer: Is it back to that?


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