What is Heaven like?

| March 23, 2009

Interviewer: What is Heaven like?
God: Heaven is a wonderful place, but when some people first arrive they aren’t ready to be ushered into the fullness of it, so there are places to get people up to speed.
Interviewer: Like a cross between a prep school and a halfway house?
God: In a way yes. They are not so much like places to keep these people quarantined but to help them not feel like fish out of water once they go in all the way.
Interviewer: So there are degrees of Heaven?
God: Heaven gets better and better all the time, so in that way there are degrees. Heaven is also vast with an infinite variety of places and functions.
Interviewer: You said earlier it was the “paradise of the afterlife. A place of infinite beauty that is forever getting better.” This makes it sound as though it is still a work in progress.
God: Most definitely. There are always improvements being made. It just keeps getting better and better.
Interviewer: Again, this is somewhat of a new concept to me. I think most people regard it as a rather static place. If Heaven is perfect, how can one improve on perfection?
God: “Perfect” hardly does it justice. But we are limited to human vocabulary and concepts in this interview, so this is the best which words can do to describe it. However, I do assure you that it is continually being made better.
Interviewer: I can tell that You are much more enthusiastic in talking about Heaven than You were about Hell.
God: I love to talk about the most marvelous place there ever was and ever can be.
Interviewer: You are the Designer and Creator of it, I assume?
God: Overall, yes. But lots of beings, both angels and spirits, participate in the process with Me. I enjoy watching them design and build parts of it. There really are an infinite variety of styles and tastes that are catered to.
Interviewer: Knowing that what I like differs from what others like-and quite frankly I think some people’s tastes are appalling-then it would seem that I might not find parts of Heaven personally appealing.
God: No, I assure you that you will find all of Heaven appealing. It will be at the least pleasant and at the most … well, there really isn’t any “most,” as just when you think you have seen the most wonderful thing, you turn the corner and there is something better. It is guaranteed that much of it will knock your proverbial socks off.
Interviewer: That is something to look forward to, providing one wears socks up there, of course.
God: That is why I had to qualify them as proverbial. Heaven is clothing optional.
Interviewer: My goodness! Do You mean to tell me I could be running around naked?
God: If you choose. Of course, you will have a new immortal body, which I think you will be quite pleased with, and there won’t be any shame or embarrassment about nudity. But before I leave too many of your readers feeling uncomfortable with this thought, let Me assure them that the operative word is “optional.” You can have the most beautiful clothes imaginable if you like. It is just that there is a definite change of mindset when you get to Heaven. The shame that some feel about the nakedness of the human body will be done away with. Remember that this is part of problem that Adam and Eve caused. They were naked in the Garden of Eden until they sinned. Then they were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to cover up. You should have seen how ridiculous they looked trying to cover up with leaves and other things. Well, that is another subject. They know better now.
Interviewer: So they’re there then? Adam and Eve, I mean.
God: Yes, of course. Where else would they be?
Interviewer: I thought maybe in the other place.
God: Oh goodness gracious, no! They were some of the first to get in! Everyone makes mistakes. Once they asked for forgiveness, they were forgiven. They are quite the celebrities up here, but they do get a little tired of hearing, “Oh, you were the ones who ...” or “What exactly was the fruit?” etc.
Interviewer: Well, what was the fruit?
God: I’ll let you ask them when you get here.
Interviewer: But You just said they get a little tired of being asked that.
God: They do, but it is still their story and I don’t like to steal their thunder.
Interviewer: I will look forward to asking them. And I think that may just wrap up our session today. Any final thoughts?
God: You won’t want to miss out on Heaven, so don’t! Okay?
Interviewer: Looking forward to it immensely.


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