What is the secret to good health?

| June 20, 2009

Interviewer: How about health? What is the secret to good health?
God: Generally it is to live right, eat right, exercise right, and have a positive attitude.
Interviewer: Sickness and accidents are the bane of man’s existence.
God: The human body was not created to be indestructible. It requires care and maintenance.
Interviewer: But why sickness and disease? Seems that they just make life miserable.
God: You are not sick the majority of the time, are you?
Interviewer: No. But why be sick at all?
God: Sickness is often a consequence of one’s own actions. People have to accept personal responsibility for those. But there are many reasons for sickness. A lot is learned through taking care of oneself or others. It will certainly help people to appreciate the glorified new bodies that they will eventually receive in Heaven. You can never appreciate good health until you are sick.
Interviewer: Well, I do appreciate good health, but it is cause for reflection that there could be benefits to sickness as well.
God: Sickness often results in people either coming to know Me, or if they already do, coming to know Me in a deeper way. Desperation causes people to reach out for divine help, and then I can step in and help. It also gives them more understanding of others and compassion for them.
Interviewer: You are talking about divine healing here.
God: I can and do heal people in answer to prayer.
Interviewer: Do You do this every time You are asked?-Heal them, I mean?
God: I answer prayer in every instance, but it might not necessarily be with healing, or the healing may not be immediate. There are many factors involved, and this is a rather complex subject. But please do understand that this world isn’t the be-all and end-all. It has been created to be but a transitory testing and learning ground for mortal man. One cannot judge Me only on what happens in this world. Mankind was created to eventually live with Me in Heaven. If you can keep your eyes on that goal, then it will make whatever pain and sickness you may endure in this life much more bearable.
Interviewer: I think the manufacturing industry calls that “planned obsolescence,” when things are made not to last long so that customers will come back in a few years to get the new model. It seems people would wonder why You didn’t make us according to the design that You apparently plan to upgrade us to.
God: Heaven and all that comes with it is to be looked forward to. Earth is the proving ground. The things learned in this life shape and define your character for eternity. Some things can only be fully appreciated and understood from the experiences of this life. Good health can only be appreciated when one has sickness to compare it to. Companionship can only be truly valued when one has known loneliness, mercy when one has suffered harsh justice. In the world that is to come, your past experiences on earth will give you depth and richness of character that would otherwise have been unattainable.
Interviewer: Well, I hope that any sickness I suffer has that effect. About divine or faith healing, why is it that some people apparently get miraculously healed while others don’t, and perhaps even die?
God: It all has to do with their purpose and destiny in life. For some it is simply time for them to come home to the spirit world. Heaven is infinitely better than this life. In a way, holding someone back could be regarded as not letting someone graduate from university. What is better? That the student get his degree or not? If you can look at it from that perspective, staying in this world is the worse of the two options. But I heal others in order for them to in turn use the rest of their lives to benefit others and as a testament to My power. It is proof that I am real.
Interviewer: That explains why people die, but what about those left gravely handicapped or with some sort of debilitating and long-term illness? It seems that rather than draw things out, it would be better to either heal them or take them “home,” as You put it.
God: Each case is different. The people are different and the circumstances are different, so I can’t give you a pat answer that covers everything. There can be all sorts of reasons, and in most cases many reasons are involved. But let Me ask you something: If you are so concerned, what are you doing about it? Some people criticize Me for allowing this bad thing and that bad thing, but are they doing anything to help alleviate whatever pain and suffering they are talking about? If people are sick in the hospital or shut-ins, are these critics of Mine visiting them to try to bring a little cheer into their lives? Perhaps the reason people are sick has something to do with them not having the friendship or companionship of other people.
Interviewer: You seem to enjoy tossing the ball back into our court. I feel there is not a lot that I or anyone as an individual can do.
God: But there is always something you can do. My proposal to you is: At least do what you can, and I can do the rest.
Interviewer: The old “God helps those who help themselves” aphorism.
God: In a way, yes, but it’s more than that. God helps those who help others. Man is not supposed to spend his time only looking out for himself, but he is supposed to be looking to help others. Won’t you help others in need? You may be praying, “God help this or that situation,” when in fact I might be trying to help that situation by sending you to be that help. You could be the answer to someone’s prayer!
Interviewer: Interesting thought and something to keep in mind should I find myself in some such situation. I have been giving You a bit of a rough go of things today. I apologize if I have sounded critical. Would You like to say anything in closing?
God: Apology accepted. I could preach a sermon, but the world has heard lots of those. What people want to see is sermons in action. Think about it: What can you do to make the world a better place? The power to be a force for good lies within everyone, even if it is only in little ways. Make your part of the world a bit more heavenly by bringing a touch of Heaven in the way of love and kindness to those around you. If you feel you haven’t the strength to be this way but would like to, call on Me to help. I will, I promise you.


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