Humility or pride?

| June 24, 2009

Interviewer: I have heard some say that needing to believe in God is a crutch and a symptom of low self-esteem.
God: That really is rubbish. Believing in Me can actually boost your self-esteem. If you’d think about it, you would see that you must be pretty valuable for God Himself to have sent His Son to die for you.
Interviewer: Indeed! I suppose it is a matter of perspective. But shouldn’t we take pride in our achievements, abilities, and talents, etc.?
God: There is a fine line. You, of course, have a sense of satisfaction when you have done or made something worthwhile. But when people begin feeling that they are superior to others because of what they have done, then they are heading for disaster. Quite frankly, if you are hoping to be successful in a relationship, a swelled head is just about the last thing you need.
Interviewer: What do You see, then, as a successful relationship?
God: People in partnership with one or more others to achieve a greater good. People in partnership with others create synergy.
Interviewer: Synergy being defined as the combined effect of two or more being greater than the sum of their individual effects?
God: Yes. It is again part of the basic design. People working in combination with others can do more than they could have if they had all worked on their own. But in order for a relationship of any kind to truly prosper, there must be humility on the part of the participants.
Interviewer: I think I am not that clear on what You mean by humility.
God: Esteeming the other person better than yourself, as I mentioned earlier.
Interviewer: But what if the other person isn’t as accomplished at things as I am?
God: Then that takes more humility.
Interviewer: Hmmm… That is easy to say.
God: Let Me explain further. Humility causes you to not hold yourself up as the great almighty one who is there to always save the day. It causes you to make an effort to see what the other person is bringing to the situation which you yourself cannot. Every person is different, so look for what you can admire in someone, some way in which you can look well on him, some reason he is needed. Humility does not lift itself up, but lifts up others.
Interviewer: Well, this is something we are not accustomed to doing naturally, because many of us feel our opinions are the best, our methods are probably the best, and so forth.
God: It is never easy for man to be humble. Man’s tendency is to pride. But humility always pays off, whereas pride never will in the long run.
Interviewer: If this is hard for me to grasp, maybe it is because it just seems to me that You put all the wrong tendencies in man. Pride and selfishness are just two we have covered in this session. You still haven’t explained why.
God: So man would need Me. The world is a giant demonstration to show that even a being as clever as man needs Me to be truly successful.
Interviewer: But is that fair? Why would You create us and then hobble us with traits that guarantee our ultimate failure?
God: You are being rather hard on Me today. Or maybe you are just thinking it will be too hard for you! Remember that I said I would help you to do whatever I ask you to. I did not make you perfect; that is true. But I did create in you the ability to choose the way that would lead to what will be the most perfect existence that you could imagine. Man also was created with the freedom of choice-to choose to follow Me or not.
I have tried to make the bad effects and fruits of pride extremely obvious. Pride promotes love of self more than love of Me or others; thus it wars against choosing My way. I am demonstrating to everyone the rewards of following Me in humility, rather than following oneself in pride.
Interviewer: That is a lot to grasp.
God: Yes, but it is again a matter of faith. If you believe what I am saying and then do it, you will find success in relationships, as in other areas of life.


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