Are some people just born lucky?

| June 5, 2009

Interviewer: Some people seem to be just plain lucky. They get all the breaks, whereas others of us never win a raffle or hardly even a hand of poker. What is it with these people who always seem to win at bingo or cards or other things? Are some people just born lucky?
God: Are you talking about gambling?
Interviewer: Well, gambling is part of it.
God: There are precious few who win at gambling. The only people who really make the money are the ones organizing the gambling, and they play everyone else for suckers. They are parasites playing on the gullibility of everyone else. Gambling has ruined many lives.
Interviewer: There go the church bingo games.
God: Bingo! Let’s qualify this and say that a little playing of games of chance in moderation is okay, but it can often grow into an inordinate addiction. If it’s kept small, it is one thing, but it often doesn’t stay that way. I have it in print right in the Bible where I say the love of money is the root of all evil. Those who gamble love to win. I mean, no one gambles because they love to lose, right? And the prize is usually money. And the pursuit of that will lead them down the path of evil, and by that I mean disaster.
Interviewer: A recurring theme seems to be that enjoying most things in moderation is okay.
God: That is a pretty good rule of thumb.
Interviewer: So are You okay about drinking alcohol?
God: In moderation. (Laughs.) You know that was Jesus’ first recorded miracle.1
Interviewer: Changing the water into wine.
God: Yes. Very good wine, too, as you’ve read.
Interviewer: Yes. I have heard some people rail at the “demon drink,” but You don’t seem to think it is so demonic.
God: If you abuse it, then it becomes demon drink. Then it no longer “makes glad the heart of man,” as the Bible says, but it has gone beyond that into turning him imbecilic or morose or even violent. Instead of the drink helping to relax you, it has turned into a monster that dominates and ruins your life.
Interviewer: So why give us such a thing if You knew it was going to be abused?
God: Learning how to use things correctly is all part of the reason for you being there in the first place. It is true that I knew that alcohol in its many varieties would be abused, but many people use it wisely. There are times when it helps to have a drink to relax, and it helps people be sociable. Why, they have even uncovered the fact that it is healthy to drink a little. But for goodness sake, don’t abuse it.
Interviewer: You have been very kind to answer all these questions. Perhaps we’ll wrap this up here. This interview is a little short, but I think this is a good point to end on.
God: Agreed. So until next time?
Interviewer: Yes!


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