Why three?

| July 14, 2009

Interviewer: Why does it take the three of You, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? It seems that one could do it all, since You are God.
God: It is because there are three of Us.
Interviewer: So there have always been three of You?
God: In your way of conceiving it, yes.
Interviewer: What about in Your way of conceiving it?
God: As much as you would like to, it is impossible for you to conceive things from Our point of view until you cross over here. If all the mysteries were explained to you right now, then there would be none left there for you to investigate.
Interviewer: I wasn’t asking to understand them all, but maybe just…
God: You are persistent, but in the end it has to be no for now.
Interviewer: Would it be correct if I inferred that You are like a family? Since You are referred to as the Father and Jesus as the Son, would the Holy Spirit be both Wife and Mother?
God: You could say that.
Interviewer: But I know my Bible and I know that the Holy Spirit is referred to throughout as He. If She is really a “She,” then doesn’t that impinge on the credibility of the Bible, that this is a flaw?
God: No, it doesn’t. In Genesis I am quoted as saying “Let Us make man in Our image. Male and female created we them.”6 So, it was clearly inferred there-and in other scriptures-that there are both male and female characteristics in the Trinity. You know that I am male and so is Jesus. So that doesn’t leave many options as to who is the female part, does it?
Interviewer: But You chose not to make it clear.
God: This is something that I had chosen not to clearly reveal earlier. Divine revelation is not all confined to the Bible. You see, the books of the Bible were written under My guidance. Some was prophetic, but at least some of the authors, especially of the New Testament, did not necessarily realize that they were writing things that would later be regarded as incontrovertible. If they had, they would probably have been so worried they would not have written anything. They were writing to inform and teach.
Interviewer: So they didn’t know they were writing for posterity.
God: The fact that later their writings would be placed into the Old or New Testament and become the canon of Christian teaching did not occur to several of them. It did to Me, of course, but I never intended for all revelation and truth to be once and for all confined solely to the Bible. What I say today will not contradict the Bible, but it will amplify parts and speak on contemporary issues the Bible doesn’t cover. I planned to keep talking to believers and instructing them, showing them new things. However, when the Bible was “bound,” the Church became hidebound. That is why I kept calling out new movements of Christians, but almost all eventually cooled off or were eliminated by jealous rivals.
In these Last Days I am showing more and more truth to people if they choose to believe it.
Interviewer: You mentioned “Last Days.” By that do You mean the end of the world?
God: The world is just about due for a great big change. But that is an enormous subject in itself, which I will have to talk about another time. This is the second time this has come up, so if you would like to devote a whole interview to this point sometime soon I am sure your readers would appreciate it.
Interviewer: Yes, that would be very interesting. “The End is near” and all that. Speaking of the end, perhaps this is a good place to finish this particular interview if that is agreeable to You.
God: Yes, it is. Thank you!
Interviewer: I always feel rather odd with You saying thank you to me. You being God and me being just a little ol’ mortal, for You to talk to me like this is quite awesome, for want of a better word. And then for You to say thank you on top of it is… Well, I can’t really find the words for it. Thank You for putting up with me and my questioning, which I can’t help but think You must find rather wearisome.
God: Not at all. Actually, I like to answer questions.
Interviewer: I am certainly very grateful You do. I must admit I enjoy hearing Your answers.


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