Trinity-three persons in One

| July 19, 2009

Interviewer: You said something in that last answer that made me think of another question. You said “someone or ones designed it.” Much is made of the Christian idea of the Godhead being a Trinity-three persons in one, yet at the same time distinct. Are You three?
God: It is a concept that countless theologians and learned men have struggled over. They perhaps would do better if they were like the young child who just takes it in stride and doesn’t worry about it. The Trinity is composed of Myself, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We are three distinct beings, while at the same time being united in every way in Our essence.
Interviewer: You have a hierarchy with Yourself at the top?
God: Yes, but that is a very simplistic way of seeing it. It really cannot be comprehended from your viewpoint. Things like this become more understandable once you pass to the spirit world.
Interviewer: You say more understandable. It sounds like we won’t really understand even then.
God: If you could understand everything fully, then you would be God.
Interviewer: What about the old question of “who created God?”
God: Because you are bound by time in your current state, you always try to understand things in a temporal way. In the realm to come you will not be trapped in time, so you will understand things better. I didn’t need a point in time to be created, as does everything in your world. In your minds the best way to think of it is that I have always existed and that I do not need a creator.
Interviewer: You mentioned the Holy Spirit a few answers before. What role does He play in all of this?
God: It would be more correct to say “She.” She is the feminine part of the Trinity.
Interviewer: Feminine?
God: Is that so shocking?
Interviewer: Well, not quite what I imagine everyone thought. But what role does She play?
God: She is the spirit of love that goes out into the world to bring peace and joy to people’s hearts. Just like people can receive Jesus into their lives, so they can receive the Holy Spirit, and She can fill them with joy, peace, happiness, faith, and much more. She is also the instrument by which various gifts and talents are distributed-gifts such as wisdom, knowledge, faith, miracles, healing, prophecy, speaking in mysterious tongues, and the interpretation of such tongues.
Interviewer: Could You explain what these “tongues” are? I have heard Pentecostal Christians, and the noises they make sound very odd. In fact, it almost sounds as though they are just babbling away in gibberish.
God: They speak in languages understood to Me. It is a language of praise and prayer. Their spirits bypass their minds and pour out their joy and thanksgiving, as well as concerns and heartaches, to Me.
Interviewer: But couldn’t they just express those things in their own language?
God: They could and do, but praying in tongues propels the spirit of the person praying into the spiritual dimension, setting the spirit free from the fetters of the mind.
Interviewer: Is it that way all the time? Or do they just sometimes pretend?
God: You are a skeptic, aren’t you?
Interviewer: I apologize if it seems that way, but I think some people may question the way some work themselves up, or seem to be putting on a show when they are speaking in tongues or doing something else that seems odd. Are they doing this?
God: Well, some do put on at times. But I know who is whom and I gratefully receive the prayers and praise of all those who call on Me in sincerity.
Interviewer: Of other gifts You listed, among them is miracles. Do people who are filled with the Holy Spirit have the power to perform miracles?
God: They have the power because they have the power of God. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they will perform miracles on a regular basis, but sometimes they might. It doesn’t have to be a big thing to qualify as a miracle, just something that is beyond the power of man to perform at the time. Some people might put these kinds of things down to chance, but if My power has been invoked to perform a certain deed, then the performance of it can be classed as a miracle.
Interviewer: You listed prophecy-predicting future events.
God: Prophecy is not just predicting the future. It is a gift of hearing My voice. I speak to people and they hear My voice or that of Jesus or the Holy Spirit and they pass on what they hear. You could say that prophecy is what this interview is. You asked if anyone was there, and I was! I was waiting to talk with you, and I have allowed you to hear My voice, and as you do, you are recording what you hear. That is prophecy.
Interviewer: So how does one get these gifts of the Holy Spirit?
God: By asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit. As Jesus comes into your life and gives you the gift of salvation when you ask Him to, likewise the Holy Spirit will come in and fill you up with Her gifts when you ask Her to.
Interviewer: Does everyone who receives the Holy Spirit receive all of these gifts?
God: They could, but it works somewhat differently in that the gifts are not necessarily all active. But the Holy Spirit delights to give Her gifts to those who wisely use them.
Interviewer: And She is there giving people all these gifts.
God: She is or She is working, as I do, through the agency of helping spirits and angels.


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