What about religious terrorists?

| May 27, 2009

Interviewer: What about religious terrorists?
God: What about them?
Interviewer: Well, by all measures of civilization they seem to be bad. Don’t they give You a bad name?
God: My commandments are to love Me and love others. If people’s actions are going against those commandments, then they are not obeying Me and cannot claim My sanction for their deeds. But there are those who love to smear Me and discredit those who believe in Me by taking the actions of a few and applying it to the many. Take, for example, the words “Islamic terrorists.” That wording has been used so often in the media that now many people immediately equate Islam with terrorist actions, whereas that could not be further from the truth. The true followers of Islam submit themselves to Me in peace, although I cannot blame them for the anger they feel because of the way they are often treated by the West, especially the Western press.
Interviewer: This brings up another subject-religious persecution. It is a phenomenon that has been around for a long time, but, as an example that it is apparently getting worse, I read that more Christians have been killed in this century because of their faith than the rest of history combined.
God: That example demonstrates how humanity is less “civilized” now than ever in many aspects.
Interviewer: Why is there religious persecution?
God: Those in the wrong hate the freedom and happiness of those who live right because it exposes what a sham their own lives are. These misguided ones become agents for the “opposition,” who hates the light and truth and will try to destroy it by any and all means.
Interviewer: You are referring to Your opposition here, the Devil.
God: Most definitely, because he is at the root of this kind of persecution.
Interviewer: But often these persecutors profess to be atheists, and so they don’t believe in him either.
God: They don’t have to believe in him to be the agents of his dirty work.
Interviewer: But on the other hand, there are some seemingly devoutly religious people who instigate this type of thing. Look at the persecutions carried out by the Roman Catholic Church in centuries past.
God: Where did they read that Jesus wanted them to persecute others? He even told His followers to love their enemies.
Interviewer: You explained how evil tries to destroy the truth. Will it?
God: It can persecute it and suppress it, but it will never destroy it. In the end the wrong will be destroyed by the right.
Interviewer: You mean that the right will do to the wrong what the wrong is doing to the right?
God: If by that you are asking if it will employ the same means, no! In the end the wrong will be destroyed by the right, just as darkness is banished by light.
Interviewer: That’s rather metaphorical.
God: True, but it is a concept that lends itself to instant understanding.
Interviewer: Indeed! Well, we will all look forward to that day. Thank You again for most graciously submitting Yourself to all these questions.


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