Surprises and Jesus

| May 1, 2009

Interviewer: Hello.
God: Hello. Glad to see you are well today.
Interviewer: Yes, I am, thank You very much! I suppose it is redundant to ask how You are.
God: As far as health is concerned, yes. But I do have a range of emotions, and so sometimes I feel “better” than others.
Interviewer: Sometimes better than others? You never cease to amaze me. I find You so incredibly interesting, and a lot of preconceived ideas I have had about You keep going out the window.
God: How’s that?
Interviewer: I suppose the concept of You having better days than others is one of them.
God: It is logical, isn’t it?
Interviewer: When I think about it, yes! I must have never thought about it before.
God: Isn’t that the point of these interviews? Didn’t you want to have your questions answered and find out more about Me?
Interviewer: Originally it was to have my questions answered, but it has gone further than that now. I have discovered that You are much more approachable and interesting than I had thought. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful when I say interesting.-It is just that things come up that I wasn’t expecting. I guess I thought You were beyond my comprehension, so I figured You could give me answers on other subjects. But I thought I would find You still too incomprehensible to even begin to understand.
God: I am glad you find Me interesting. And I am incomprehensible in total, but you can look forward to understanding more about Me all the time.
Interviewer: Learning about You will never end?
God: No, it won’t.
Interviewer: Well, You have explained a lot about Yourself. May I ask You some questions now about Jesus?
God: Most certainly-one of My favorite topics! But this is a switch. Most people ask Jesus about Me.
Interviewer: I suppose they do. We are told Jesus is Your Son. How can God have a son?
God: Why couldn’t I have a Son? If men and women can have sons and daughters, why should it be so odd that God could have a Son?
Interviewer: Why stop at one then?
God: In a way I didn’t stop there, because I created humanity to also have the choice to become My sons and daughters.
Interviewer: But we are scarcely in the same league.
God: Of course, but you are all loved to the same degree I love Jesus.
Interviewer: To the same degree? That sounds extraordinary! It would seem to me, and I will be the first to admit my limitations in trying to understand this, that Jesus, being God with you, would somehow be the object of a much greater degree of love.
God: I loved humanity so much that I was willing to have Jesus come down to earth, to be separate from Me to be with you, and eventually to die for you. Does that not prove that I love you all just as much as I love Him?
Interviewer: I cannot argue with that. Still, it seems that You must have a special love for each other.
God: Our love is extraordinarily special, more than you can even grasp.
Interviewer: Okay, I am confused. Your love for each other is so extraordinarily special that I cannot even grasp it, yet You love us the same as You love Jesus. Isn’t there a contradiction here?
God: No, but your finite mind is simply receiving information that it cannot really absorb. The key to Jesus and My love is that We are love at our essence. Our love for each other is perfect and perfectly reciprocated. But you can understand that each love that you have in your life is special in some way. The love you have for your child differs from the love you have for your wife, but nevertheless they are both special and they are both love.
Similarly, a good father doesn’t love any one of his children more than the other, right? Due to circumstances, he may invest more time in one than another or he may be closer to one than another, but he does really love them all the same. I had a job to do with My Son, Jesus, and that was to save all of you-My other children! But that doesn’t mean I love Him more than you.


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