New Heaven and New Earth

| May 4, 2009

Interviewer: Back to the events we were talking about before. So there is this battle of the hiccup. What then?
God: You have taken a fancy to the term “hiccup,” haven’t you?
Interviewer: I admit it. It is different.
God: So after this battle, the earth’s surface is completely burned up.
Interviewer: Completely? That sounds drastic.
God: Then the surface is wonderfully remade. It is a New Earth, resplendent in every way, with a new heavenly atmosphere. Every good thing is included, and nothing that can be construed to be bad is in it. Then onto this New Earth will descend the Heavenly City referred to earlier. This is the home and headquarters of Jesus and all those who love Me.
Interviewer: So it is literally Heaven on earth.
God: Precisely!
Interviewer: So what happens to the current Heaven?
God: The walls between the spiritual and material will dissolve. That which has existed in the spiritual will now be seen in the material. So the Heaven that now is will also exist in the material. The Heavenly City is even now in existence, but then it will be both spiritual and material and be situated on earth in all its resplendent glory.
Interviewer: Let’s see if I got this right. Right now there are these two realms: one, the physical or material; and the other, the spiritual. At that time there won’t be any division between them?
God: That is right. There will be one realm.
Interviewer: But why do You need to keep the material? It seems You live in the spiritual and that You have everything there, so there is not really a need for the physical.
God: The spiritual will not be totally complete until it is joined with the physical. I can see I’ve got you scratching your head over this one.
Interviewer: Yes, You have. I’d appreciate it if You’d elaborate.
God: In the beginning I divided the spiritual from the material. When all is restored, these two realms will again be joined. The spiritual realm right now is, as you suspect, much more complete than the material, but there are some aspects of it that are still limited. These will be completed when My whole creation-spiritual and material-is melded as one.
Interviewer: Fascinating! May I ask if this uniting of the material and spiritual is just for earth or for the whole universe?
God: It includes the whole universe.
Interviewer: So what is the purpose of all these other stars and planets?
God: That will be revealed in good time, but suffice it to say that they are not just for decoration. Because man right now sees only with physical eyes, he can only see what is there physically. But when he sees both the spiritual and physical as one, then he will understand the purpose for these other celestial bodies.
Interviewer: You have me dying of curiosity here.
God: Well, there have to be some secrets, some mysteries left to be revealed. This is one thing I will use to keep your interest.
Interviewer: Just a hint?
God: I have already shown you a lot.
Interviewer: Well, are there any other mysteries You can let us in on, as a consolation prize?
God: You are persistent!
Interviewer: Why will people want to read all this unless there are some things that really catch their eye, some secret that they are going to find out?
God: There are lots of things that I have already shown you. I think it is best to keep some things under wraps. Leave them wanting more!
Interviewer: You’ve got me feeling like a kid looking at the presents under a Christmas tree. It isn’t fair to tantalize us like this.
God: I assure you that it is very fair. It keeps you wanting to come back to Me for more, and that is the purpose of all of this. It is to make you and all who read this want to have more. I have many more things to show you, and I can and will. But I can also show more to each person who individually inquires of Me, as well.
Interviewer: You are trying to put me out of a job.
God: In a way, yes. It is not that I don’t like talking to you, but I want to talk to everyone personally. All can hear My voice if they stop long enough and turn their minds and thoughts toward Me.
It is like the story of the little boy who said he could hear from Me. One of the stalwarts of the local church mocked him, saying, “How can an ignorant boy like you hear from the Almighty?” The little boy replied: “Well, when I hear that voice telling me to be kind and thoughtful and loving toward others, then I know it is God.” Just like with that boy, My voice is for anyone who wants to hear from Me. And once you get used to it, then it becomes easier.
Interviewer: Very true.
God: Is this a good spot to end?
Interviewer: Sounds good to me.


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