Angels and Spirits

| April 15, 2010

Interviewer: In the last interview we touched on a variety of subjects. I hope You don’t mind if we try to cover some of these more in depth?
God: Not at all!
Interviewer: One subject that has received a tremendous amount of press and attention in recent years is the subject of angels. It seems every bookstore has walls lined with an endless number of books about them, not to mention the TV shows and even movies. I think this plethora of material about them just leaves most people a bit overwhelmed and unsure of what’s truth and what’s fiction.
God: I agree.
Interviewer: It would be wonderful if You, being the one who really is the expert on the subject, could set the record straight.
God: I would be happy to. What would you like to know?
Interviewer: For starters, what do they look like?
God: They come in a variety of … I started to say shapes and sizes, but that hardly does them justice.
Interviewer: So there is a variety. They are not all just the same plain vanilla angels.
God: My goodness, no. Plain vanilla?
Interviewer: I’m sorry! By that I was asking if they are all more or less the same, like if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all. … Oh, I apologize again.
God: You may have offended a few talking like that. Although they’re of the same basic essence, there is an infinite variety of angels, with some having more specialized tasks. Thus their looks and powers vary.
Interviewer: You say powers?
God: Yes, they all have powers, but their powers differ depending on the tasks they fulfill.
Interviewer: And what would be these tasks?
God: For instance, each person on earth is assigned a personal angel to be his or her spiritual guardian.
Interviewer: I can see the good guys having one, but You are saying that even bad people have one?
God: Yes.
Interviewer: Why?
God: I love each and every person, so I assign angels to try to help him or her. Some people don’t appreciate it, though, and because of their choices in life, their angels are hard pressed to achieve much good in their lives.
Interviewer: So why have them stick around?
God: To try to help as much as they can. Each person has moments of goodness-even the worst person-and the angels capitalize on that.
Interviewer: So You are saying that things could be much worse if these angels weren’t helping?
God: Yes.
Interviewer: It would seem a pretty thankless task in many instances.
God: Indeed, but that is what they are needed to do, so they are content to try to achieve as much good as they can, even when the odds are long.
Interviewer: You use the term “guardian.” That would indicate that they have some sort of protective function?
God: Yes. They try as much as possible to protect their charges, but they have to operate within certain boundaries. It helps immensely if they get the cooperation of their charges.
Interviewer: How exactly would that be?
God: If the person they are responsible for operates within the bounds of common sense, that’s a start. But much more than that, it helps if their charges make an effort to listen to their guidance.