Does God have a human heart?

| April 25, 2009

Interviewer: Getting back to Jesus Himself, what was it like for You when He was on earth?
God: I had very mixed emotions. I was very happy that His mission that We had planned for so long was now in progress. On the other hand, I was sad because even though We had contact, it was not the same as it was between us when He was wholly in the spiritual realm with Me.
Interviewer: So it wasn’t as though You were in contact all the time?
God: We were in contact all the time, but it was similar, though much more constant, as it can be between Me and people on earth who love Me today. There is contact, but it is not always tangible and apparent. We wanted to have stronger contact, but because of the limitations I had originally put in place between the physical and spiritual realms at Creation, We couldn’t. During this time I grew to love humanity even more, as I learned to understand more how it felt to so want to reach out.
Interviewer: This is a revelation! You “learned”?
God: Is that so surprising?
Interviewer: Definitely, yes! You are in our eyes omniscient. If You know all things, how can You learn?
God: I had never been in the position of being separated from Jesus like this. It was a new thing, so I learned something from it.
Interviewer: I am still reeling over this. Wouldn’t You know what it was like anyway, because You are all-knowing?
God: Even being all-knowing doesn’t mean I had experienced everything. I loved and sympathized with humanity, but one can never empathize unless one has experienced something. I experienced many of the emotions that humanity goes through during the time Jesus was on earth. I felt the greatest tenderness when I saw Him there as a tiny babe at His birth. I felt the greatest pride in seeing Him reject all the temptations placed before Him to do something with His life other than what We had planned, and rather choose to go ahead with His mission. I felt the greatest sorrow and anguish when I watched as Jesus suffered and died on the cross. I had to hold Myself back and not interfere, or else all We had gone through would have been in vain. I then felt the greatest joy and happiness when I was reunited with Him after that ordeal was over.
Interviewer: Although that is logical and extremely touching, somehow it just seems to make You less omnipotent for some reason, less divine and more…
God: Human?
Interviewer: Yes, I suppose “human” is the word for it.
God: You don’t want Me to be “human”?
Interviewer: In some ways, no. If You can learn in this way, it gives the impression that You are not perfect and therefore could make mistakes or something.
God: You are afraid I will make a mistake?
Interviewer: Well, perhaps I am, I don’t know. I mean, we have enough of us down here making mistakes and so we can’t afford to have You making mistakes, too.
God: Yes, I see what you mean. Well, don’t worry, I am not making any mistakes. But don’t you want to learn more, to experience new things? Would you want to deny Me the same?
Interviewer: No! But it just seems to open a … a whole new aspect of things, so I am not so sure about it.
God: You were going to say “can of worms.”
Interviewer: True, but I thought better of it. It was not appropriate.
God: Glad you got that right.


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